Where the heck are you?

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Advent opposites

Every night during dinner we have been lighting our Advent candles. Ella is terrified of the matches. Not the flame. She's terrified of that too, but that is not irrational. The matches though, she doesn't want to touch them. Or have them on her side of the table. She really doesn't like when we touch them, which makes it especially difficult to light the candles. Apparently Ella has picked up the whole Smokey the Bear don't play with matches thing.

Jackson on the other hand stares at the flame with a playful look in his eye. Like, "if I could just get my hands on that thing, then things would get really interesting!" I am grateful he is strapped into his highchair.

Thank God for Jackson though. Really, can you have a whole family full of don't play with the matches types?

1 comment:

Ashley said...

Really. How will you ever have fun if one of you doesn't at one time almost burn the house down lighting matches for no apparent reason?